My name is Andrew Muschamp Mckay, I started building web applications and websites in 1995. After graduating from UVIC Computer Science, while working as a software developer coding away in Objective-C and Java, I registered this regrettably hard to spell and pronounce domain. I've lived, studied, and worked abroad in Japan, China, and elsewhere. If you just want the facts you can view my resume.
Over twenty years later, I once again seem to be most well known online for painting miniatures. This is a hobby I have to fight to make time for and which my ever worsening eyesight makes a greater challenge than it was back in the 90s.
The difference between a bad artist and a good one is: the bad artist seems to copy a great deal. The good one really does copy a great deal.William Blake
If this webpage doesn't look amazing, try manually resizing your browser window, or try another browser. There is some support for "reader mode" making it more mobile friendly. The HTML validates, but Isotope does not render perfectly on every computer every time. I've put too much effort into this homepage, maintaining it for over a decade writing the copy, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. I leverage WordPress, SimplePie, jQuery and jQueryUI to craft my unique homepage.