Muschamp Rd

2006 Sauder School of Business MBA Class Photo

This webpage like everything to do with my MBA went horribly wrong, despite all my hard work and good intentions, the people pictured below refuse to believe me or care how much their words and actions hurt me even after over a decade. If anyone wanted things to be any other way, they would have said or done something on March 17th 2005 or January 5th 2006. They've all since 'moved on' to pretending to be someone else's friend. I wish their new pretend friends the best of luck.

Click on the image for the 1 MB version.

Pictured Above Left to Right are:

Standing Front and Center
First Row
Second Row
Third Row
Fourth Row
Fifth Row
Sixth Row
Stragglers at the Back
Missing from the picture but on the t-shirt
Words and Images © Andrew "Muskie" McKay.
Last Updated: