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Five Towers of Angkor Wat

Five Towers of Angkor Wat

According to my guide book, this is one of the few spots where you can see all five towers at once. The temple was carefully designed to make it very difficult to see all five towers. Not many people walked out into the field for this shot. There is an artificial pond that was a design feature of the Khmers when the water height and light is just right you can get a reflection of Angkor Wat in the pond.

To take this picture I had to lie on my stomach with my tripod on top of my guidebook and line up the picture. Then I ran around and knelt down so as not to obscure the five towers. It probably took a couple of tries, most of the photos took a couple of tries.

I bought my guide book at the official entrance to the temple park for $7 USD. You can get it much cheaper maybe as low as a dollar even inside the park itself. The really cheap versions are mere photocopies. The book is worth having and reading to learn where the best photo spots are. It also has a lot of historical information as well.

Words and Images © Andrew "Muskie" McKay.
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