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Down the easy side

Down the easy side

After climbing up the Phimeanakas on the steep and setting up a picture of me reaching the top, I noticed that the Cambodians had installed wider cement steps and a hand rail on another side of the temple. Some may complain about this marring the architecture but climbing the temples is what they were designed for, so in order to make it safer for tourists even on Angkor Wat there are some cement steps. This doesn't mean it is necessarily a pleasant easy climb, so if you are not reasonably physically fit and you're terrified of heights, perhaps Siem Reap is not the tourist destination for you.

This photo was set up by climbing most of the way down the temple, then setting up the camera angled back up the steps then rushing up the steps. It gives some of the impression on how steep the temples are. Note the Supersuckers t-shirt, I've long collected interesting t-shirts. I've put up a gallery of the ones I've gotten at concerts.

Words and Images © Andrew "Muskie" McKay.
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